Friday, February 15, 2019

Parking Lot Plowing Update IV

Finally, the parking lot has been plowed. Still a bit slushy, but a lot better than it was.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Parking Lot Plowing Update III

Some contract issue got us removed from the queue, so it looks like the plowing won't happen until later on tonight.

Parking Lot Plowing Update II

Unfortunately, as you can see, they were not able to plow the lot due to some problems overnight. They are mobilizing a new crew and are estimating that they'll be able to get to us around 12 to 1pm. We are their second stop.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Parking Lot Plowing Update

Just talked to NYS Enterprises, they are running behind schedule. The plowing will be done overnight.

Parking Lot to be Plowed

Impact has arranged for a company to come and plow the parking lot later on this afternoon.

Monday, February 4, 2019

Power Outage

Just called SnoPUD, large outage in the Casino Rd area. Crews have been dispatched to investigate.

They estimate power will be restored by 5 am.

Update [1 am]: The outage map now states that power should be restored by 2:30 am.